How to Use



This is a guide to help you to integrate with Slip Verify by RDCW, some part of this documentation may not be accurate. If you have any questions, feel free to ask at the RDCW Facebook page.

Who can use this?

✅ E-commerce websites (including Digital Products, Game Recharge Services) and other kind of applications are allowed to use this service

❌ Pornography, Casino/Gambling, Online Lottery websites/applications or related services are not allowed to use this service

How it works?

We will provide you an Inquiry API, an API used to check validity of Transfer Slip by using data from the QR embedded in Slip (aka. Mini QR/Slip Verify API QR)

How to use it?

Create an application first, and you will receive Client ID and Client Secret to use with the Inquiry API, This API is authenticate with Basic Authentication scheme, Use your Client ID as username and Client Secret as password

Inquiry API URL is

Here's cURL example

-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"payload":"PAYLOAD"}' \


See further